Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Body by God

Ive read about an very important aspect of life that people do not care enough about. I've learned alot about this topic and look forward to making this a more important part of my life, this topic is nutrition. I learned nutrition doesn't just effect your weight, but it also affects your health and also has to do with alot of injuries. Nutrition is the fuel to your body and what you put in your body is very important, because it needs good food to run on. You need a balance in your diet, you can still eat as much as you want. It is more important to watch what you eat not how much you eat. Nutrition is something that can affect the rest of your life in a positve or negative way it depends on how you treat your nutrition. You have certain genes in your body that have to do with nutrition and the outcome of it, but that doesn't mean you can't break the pattern. I read about a guy whose family was affected severely by what they ate, they had a pattern of dieing at a young age. He didn't like this pattern of course, and he wanted to break the pattern by changing something. He then decided he was going to change his diet and boy did it ever work he not only had way better health than his relatives, but he has a great life and is happy with his health and body. He looks way better and is expected to exceed way past the age of his relatives. I was inspired by that story it meant alot, it shows that hard work and committment can pay off if you just work hard enough. People just sit and hope something bad will turn into something good for them, but thats not going to happen in less you do everything you can to change that. Nutrition should be taken more seriously by everyone it is not about just you it is also about God, because he gave you the body and it should be treated properly, which shows your thanks to God.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Body by God 3rd blog

The book at the beginning talked about being right spiritually. It also talked about rules to success and what you should do to achieve success and how to seperate yourself from the rest. The author thinks you should treat your body right because it is god's body and I agree with him. The book now is moving more into keeping your body right physically. To keep your body right physically you need to exercise but a vey key ingrediant and under talked about factor is nutrion. If you work out every day but you don't eat right then your results will not be very good. When you change your way of eating and exercising, you change your way of living. Changing your way of eating is a big step in changing your body to being more fit. Alot of people feel like if they eat right then that means that they need to eat less and that is not true. In my book the author has a section called live to eat, eat to live. It is basically stating that you not to eat healthy to live but, you can also love eating and not get out of shape. It is actually reccomended that you eat alot, but you have to make sure when you eat alot that you are eating the right foods. Alot of people say i know people that eat as much as me but they dont get as big as me. There could be two different solutions one is metabolism, people have different levels. The other solution is diet, in other words what are you eating. I could eat as often as another person, but if im eating better foods for my body then I am treating my body the way it is suppose to be. I reccomend that you eat right diet is a large part of your life

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Body by God 2

The four rules of olympic success will give me the best chance to succeed if I follow Body by Godnow is all on you. You have done certain things to help you get up to this point now you need t guidelines. The first rule is Discover and develp your gifts and I think this is a good rule because it can apply to many things. If you are in sports then you need to discover your best sport and your best position. This also applies to your career , you should find something in the job field that you are good at, because the chances are if you are better skilled in that area you will succeed more and get paid more. The second rule of olympic success is possess a superior plan. This can apply to anything in life this is basically saying have a set plan. If you have a set plan you know what your doing when you are going into the process. It is basically your foundation or outline and almost always gives you an advantage. The third rule of olympic success is follow the plan. Now that you have found your strengths and you have set up a plan this will help you follow your plan. This is what really everything is leading up to basically execution. The fourth and last rule of Olympic success is be inspired to win. To me this is my favorite rule of all. This o look inside of you to find inner want. Now you need to look inside of you to find the want to win. I like this because it is all on you nobody else can help you. It truly is a matter of who wants it more. I think this is the last step because if you want something bad enough then you will get it. I also like this because it is inside of everyone to have the want you sometimes just need to put yourself on the line to get it. I acceidently moved the lines around so its kinda messed up..........

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

body for life 1st blog

I am reading Body by God written by Dr. Ben Lerner. It is a good book so far I have read up to page 50. So far the book has talked about getting your body right. Getting your body right consists of getting it right physically, mentally, and spiritually. I have learned alot of things from this book so far and it talks about life in ways have never looked at it. I think it is important to get your body right in all of these ways. Your body is a temple of God and the way you treat it is important. Anything you do to damage your body is damaging God's temple. I think this book will get me back spiritually where I need to be. I believe it also will help me reach my goals physically, with certain exercise tips, and especially nutrition help. I have enjoyed this book alot so far for the simple fact that I am interested in this topic and it is very engaging, and it is a book trying to help people.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Reflection on book

In english class i had to choose a book to read over the next few weeks. I chose a book called Body by God by Dr. Ben Lerner It is a book my dad read previously and said was really good, so i thought i would try it out. It is a book about numerous things in one. It talks about the body and living right. The book seemes right up my alley, it had to do with nutrition , spirit , and lifting. I think the book will be good and I look forward to reading it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Finding the Anchor for the Storms of Life

I agree with this article and I think it is an amazing article. I agree and think we have our ups and downs in life but throught it all we need to have our "anchor" which is hope. Hope can get us through alot of things and it can also help us do alot of things. The article said that the waves were gonna be tough, but he believed that his anchor would with hold the storms. That is what we need to do the wave are like the rough times in life they are going to be there to try to knock us off course, but we all need to have an anchor "hope" and just believe that we will be able to handle it. The bigger the anchor the more it will be able to whith hold so if you have alot of hope then there will be little doubt in you that you will be knocked off course. This article talks alot about hope and if you are ever having a tough time or just doubt yourself you need to look at this article.

Hope. March 10 2009 march 22 2009 .


Religion is stated in this article as "an organized approach to human spirituality which usually encompasses a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices, often with a supernatural or transcendent quality, that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a higher power or truth". This is true but religion is also about more than you can speak in words. I think religion has alot to do with what do you believe , if you do, is the higher power. Your riligion is going to rely on what you think that higher power is. I also believe religion has alot to do with faith. Most of the religions believe in a higher power they cannot see. Yes, that takes alot of guts, but that is faith. Most religions are full of people with alot of faith in thier higher power. Religion is something you need to decide for yourself and if you believe there is a higher power.

Ryan, John. Religion. September 2008 Wikipedia. march 22 2009 .